There is a great deal of disguised unemployment or underemployment. 有许多掩饰了的失业或半失业。
Because of the stagnant situation of national economy, the disguised unemployment caused by historical factors in the state-run enterprises has been laid bare, national economy depresses periodically; 但是总的来看,由于国有经济的严重困难和萎缩;国有企业中由历史因素形成的隐性失业公开化;
The evolvement of employment structure of our country have produced the "structural effect" in economic development, driven the migrants of the agricultural surplus labor, aroused the "educational deepening", and initiate to structural unemployment and dominant tendency of disguised unemployment. 我国就业结构的演变,产生了经济发展中的结构效应、带动了农业剩余劳动力的转移、引起了教育深化现象,也引发了结构性失业和隐性失业显性化。
The high level of disguised unemployment in China's state-owned enterprises, which differs from the pool of labour-a rational economic behavior under market economy, results from the old system of the enterprises. 我国国有企业目前所面临的大量隐性失业是传统体制等原因长期积累的结果,有别于市场经济条件下企业理性选择所采取的劳动储备这一合理的经济行为。
State-owned enterprises assumed important social functions without the marketing system, and they developed on the way of involution with disguised unemployment and huge social cost. 长期以来在市场缺失的情况下,国有企业承担了很重要的社会职能,国有企业沿着社会职能内卷化和冗员化的方向发展,并伴随着巨大的社会成本支出。